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About Ltd is a computer and internet services company based in Gloucestershire, UK. We have been providing web hosting services since the business was founded in 2004, initially offering shared hosting and design services, with reseller hosting, dedicated servers, server management/support and VPS being added to our product line-up over time. The name was adopted in 2005 and incorporated as a limited company in 2008.

Our main web hosting servers are housed in a state of the art datacentre in London. We have additional servers providing redundant DNS and off-site backup in alternative locations. Our network is designed so that a failure of any one server cannot impact the services running on any other server. We utilise different datacentre and connectivity providers in multiple locations to prevent a failure at one provider causing service outages at our other datacentre locations.

In 2011 we launched Swift VPS and which are focused on providing managed virtual private servers and server management/support services, respectively.